Peer Review Process

Journal management always tries to evaluate and publish high quality articles in the form of a specific and limited programming. Therefore, with a careful planning, it has been tried to make the time of reviewing the articles in the period of 3 to 6 months to provide better responsibility to the researchers.

Respected researchers who wish to submit an article to this journal, please see the section of the author's guide to receive their writing regulations and submit their articles.


The process of accepting articles in the Scientific Research Journal of Desert Management is as follows:

  1. Uploading the article along with the commitment and conflict of interest forms by the corresponding author, filling an electronic form, and issuing the registered number that is provided to the corresponding author;
  2. Initial review of the article in accordance with the format of the review, in the event of complete non-compliance with the structure, the paper will be returned to the correspondent author for correction and resubmitting;
  3. Sending to the editor for discussion with specialized editors and appointing the reviewers;
  4. Sending the article to three referees;
  5. Receiving the opinions of the reviewers, which remains with two positive theories of the article in the review process, and is sent to the corresponding author for correction. The article received with two negative comments is not accepted based on the opinion of the referees;
  6. Applying all corrections suggested by the referees and re-uploading it by the responsible author on the journal website. If the authors do not agree with the referee's opinion, they must explain the rejection of each opinion by providing scientific reasons for the referees;
  7. Sending the modified article to the final referee or the coordinating referee to review the revisions made according to the opinions and suggestions of the referees and make a final opinion;
  8. The editor's decision to accept or reject the article for publication based on the opinion of the final arbitrator;
  9. Sending an initial acceptance letter;
  10. Sending the letter of payment for the publication fee, and the final acceptance: After the initial acceptance of the article, the authors are obliged to deposit the amount of three million and five hundred thousand Rials to the account number 2007517303 of Tejarat Bank, Yazd University branch, branch code 20075, in the name of the Iranian Scientific Association of Desert Management and Control (ISADMC). The article of the referees who have refereed at least four articles for the journal will be published free of charge;
  11. Sending the article to the Farsi and English languages editors;
  12. Sending the article to the correspondent author if editorial corrections are needed;
  13. Sending articles to the edition section;
  14. Sending the article to the author for final approval of the article for publication;
  15. Uploading the article on the website of the publication and electronic publication.

Flowchart of the reviewingProcess of articles in journal of Desert Management